What Founders Can Learn From Super Entrepreneur Codie Sanchez

What Founders Can Learn From Super Entrepreneur Codie Sanchez

Gain key insights from leading female entrepreneur Codie Sanchez's business journey and learn how she managed to serve the underserved and gain success from it.

Over 900,000 TikTok followers and more than 100,000 email subscribers. That's the reach of Codie Sanchez, a top female investor success story and co-founder of Unconventional Acquisitions.

How Did She Do It?

All of it brought about by contrarian thinking and an unconventionally talented all-rounder knocking it out of the park: Codie Sanchez, the founder of Contrarian Thinking, one of the most successful email newsletters on the internet, and focused on small business acquisitions.

Codie represents wealth creation without a silver spoon. She worked her way up from Wall Street, turning burnout to business-building. She used her expertise to carve a niche in financial asset management in Latin America.

This journey from an employee to an entrepreneur is one of the remarkable tales of Codie. She understood the power of the maxim: working for someone else first makes you a better entrepreneur. Using her knowledge from Wall Street, she found an underserved market, profiting immensely from her unique investment trends analysis and business ideas.

Those that know Codie understand that she is a force to be reckoned with, having been awarded for multiple different career paths in her life (so far).

But that’s not why I want to talk about her.

I want to talk about my favorite principle she shares: how to invest and grow wealth without being born with a silver spoon in your mouth.

You see, before becoming an entrepreneur, Codie originally worked on Wall Street.

Until she burnt out.

From Burnout To Business-Building

Once she knew she was done working for someone else, she used the knowledge she had gained to buy her first business: a financial asset management firm in Latin America.

To me, this early step reflects two very key things for us mere mortals:

Working for someone else first makes you a better entrepreneur

Using the knowledge gained, you can find an underserved market and profit

Codie then founded Sellingsouth, a platform that enabled investors to share expertise in cross-border negotiations, expanding outside of the U.S into Latin America. She quickly became an authority in investing in Latin America, niching down to find success.

Soon, Codie became the authority on Latin American investing, taking seats on multiple different management boards and writing for big publications about the potential of her business ideas.

Codie's expertise wasn't just limited to Latin America. She ventured into boring industries investment, disrupting traditional industries. Why go boring? Because these industries are usually ripe for disruption and introduction of new solutions. Her principle of positive cash flow strategies and buying small service businesses became the basis of many of her newsletters.

Niching Down To Find Success

Codie did what we preach. Choose your market, then become the expert in it.

It's clear that building authority in a niche market is a path to success. Codie’s straightforward, down-to-earth advice made her an admired figure in her field and a self-made female investor.

This is especially lucrative in those “boring” industries that Codie specializes in.

Why Go Boring?

Well, these industries might not be the flashiest, but that usually means they are ripe for disruption and the introduction of new solutions.

In fact, it’s the basis of a lot of her newsletters - buying small service businesses with an emphasis on positive cash flow as well as understanding the power of investment trends.

And people love this newsletter because it gives them quick access to great ideas that are reachable and actionable. It’s straightforward, down-to-earth advice.

Her journey is not just about entrepreneurship after Wall Street, or about amassing wealth. It's also about responsible investing and teaching others. Codie, in her admirable TikTok influencer marketing and newsletter, consistently teaches others to become thought leaders in their field and uplift their communities.

This to me is the final lesson and takeaway here (for now): having the privilege of being a successful investor and entrepreneur comes with a responsibility to teach others your path.

And that’s exactly what Codie does so well and why I admire her writings.

I highly recommend you check out her newsletter, it’s full of interesting info about all things business.

TL: DR Work in an industry until you’re an expert like Codie and then find an underserved community to serve until you become a thought leader in your field and then share that knowledge to uplift others.

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